Friday, March 9, 2007

Flexible, I ain't!

Why do I do this to myself? You'd think from the picture it's all calmness and meditation, etc. That calm face will need to be replaced with a grimace. I so do not look that good, and I must say neither do most of the people in my class, when I am being pulled and stretch in ways that I never knew a body can be stretched. And it doesn't help that the teacher is talking away while we are holding that position, and they forget the agony we are in...hello..look at my freaking size and how long have I been doing this...duh!!?

But you know I really salute these folks that have made yoga their way of life! The discipline and what they do to their bodies it's very amazing. I don't think I'll ever get that far, but I do see it getting a little easier as I get used to the positions. I sweat like a pig, and look completely like an idiot, but if it gets me to lose the weight without having to cough my lungs out, I will stick it out.

Close your eyes, relax your body, and breathe...

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