Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Things that Kids do to Themselves. Sigh...

Izz Faris really got himself into a fix over the weekend. He went and put a polystyrene bean (from the bean bag) into his ear! The thing is we don't even know how long that bean has been in his ear! I guess things happen for a reason...here I was cursing that he caught flu again after 2 weeks, but if he hadn't gotten sick the paediatrician wouldn't have had to check his ear and found that stupid bean!

It's these little things that on the surface you think nothing of, but when you actually think about it you get some clues that some things are not just pure coincidences. There is a greater plan that we are not privy of but at times you get some glimpses of it...if you pay attention.

So, now after much yelling and screaming (he was not crying but screaming!), he is alright, and we have cool story to tell for the rest of his life. But he'll pretty much tell everyone that his 1 yr old brother stuffed that bean into his ear!

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