Monday, September 24, 2007

Throwing in the towel

Sorry...siaran tergendala ketchup started facebook so have been stuck there trying to figure out what's up with the damn vampires, zombies, werewolves, etc. Pening siut!!

Plus the work has been distracting me quite a bit. I was kinda in a limbo in the last couple of weeks...trying to figure stuff out. So, finally made a decision to throw in my towel. I know I am going to disappoint so many people that were counting on me, and I will have to live down the "stigma", and be called all sorts of names for what I am gonna do, but like I said I can't go back.

I think those who really know me will know how hard this decision disappoint my team. But I also hope they know that this decision, though not easy, is really the best for me at this point in time. The opportunity to learn and actually build a specialization can't be denied. I will need to be a little more selfish, and do this for myself.

And those who don't know me...well I can't change their opinion. So they can pretty much ___ off :-)...ooops sorri bulan puasa...after this they can ___ off.


Unknown said...

Yup, and I am trying to figure out as well what the heck is this vampire thingy and how come I'm bitten!!!! Gosh! I need the whole day to play with these things!

Babe, you know what?...At the end of the day, you know what is best for you. Life is too short, anyways...So don't fret too much about what others think, ok? :D

My So-Called Life said...

giler kan benda ni? i guess that's why it's so addictive. it's such a powerful social tool...more interactive then anything else. interesting social implication - Bonn will have interesting time writing her thesis :-)

thanks for your support. i know, but i think its this "affliative" side of me (as Adhari would put it) that is making it difficult to do this...I am gonna do it, but the internal struggle i have to overcome is very great :-(

Unknown said...

Ehh..Oklah. I think I need to latch on the "Facebook" bandwagon. Miss Ketchup invited me in, but I'm a bit skeptical, but it sounds like a cool thing. Btw, Nina, "C'est la vie"--it's your life. Biak pi lah oghang nak kata apa, :). I've been in your position--in the end you're the one who's responsible of your life. So take charge of it!

amreeth said...

Mz. Ketchup ni... don't ANYONE accept her invites to be bitten! accept NY's or mine only.. that way we "grow" our vampire/zombie/werewolf strengths.

and NY, why are you not out there biting people??? why did i turn you??? muaahahahahaha.

and re: resignation. CONGRATS on new job and you will def be a consultant to reckon with! xxx

My So-Called Life said...

the resignation saga continues....wait till you hear the bombshell that was just dropped on me :-p!!

KetchupMissy said...

sorry been outta the loop... macam biasa, gazing on the other pasture :) so what bombshell??? what bombshell??? cerita woiii!!

and amreeth, don't you threathen people like that... i bite you kaw kaw baru tau...

amreeth said...

hahaha :) U R ALREADY biting me kaw kaw....