Thursday, July 19, 2007

Being a Person

Has been an exhausting 2 weeks for me! I was on the on-boarding program for over a week with a 4-day session in Langkawi included! It was fun I suppose, but at the same time completely exhausting! So, I really wonder if there has been any internalisation of the values and culture because there was no real reflection time. But I suppose the whole idea of on-boarding is really more for the new folks to have some bonding time, and build their connections/network. I have always been involved in running on-boarding programs that I've forgotten how to be a participant!

So, anyways one of the activity that moi had the participants do was a personal letter to themselves committing to doing something about the organizational values. Yes, moi...who was a participant AND facilitator...wic was kinda weird actually. Anyways, since I asked people to do, I must to oso la kan...nanti org cakap I tak serupa bikin pulak!

So, I am now more committed than ever to push through the core shared values in the Bank. The values makes the organization, and the fact that currently it's only getting lip service, and even some leaders do not seem to appreciate's just ain't funny! It's terrifying actually! Now, I just have to figure how I am gonna to this...damn it!


amreeth said...

wei :) sap sap only for you NY.
i have faith in you! hugs.

My So-Called Life said...

heh? SAP? faith is alll good, but sometimes you realize that it's not enuf to bulldoze the folks who have their head so far up their ass!


C u later. At least junk food to cheer up the day!

amreeth said...

p.s. and what an excellent catch up session that was NY. thank you!