Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It's that Time Again!

Yea...macam la I go through this career reflection every year! I am just now looking to explore where do I go from now on. My friend who did my Pat Chi reading said my money only coming in when I am 51!!

I can't be waiting that lonng!! I don't want to be working for the next 30 years...die la like that!! I am just hoping that Ash's money come in before that :-P

Anyway, I am 5 mths into my new job...contract up in another 7 mths or so. I have to really think hard whether I will/want to continue here, or actually go into something academia. I've been toying around with that idea for awhile now especially when I went into this job of mine. I mean my kids are growing up, and I do want to be more involved in their lives and education. Nowadays by the time I come back I am dead tired that I don't even bother much. I am hoping by going into academics I can have more of a always I am not looking for a career..just something enough to give me spending money and bidding my time when I don't have to work anymore!! But I must also like what I doing...and I do find some sort of fulfillment when I am "teaching" - I really enjoy my time running workshops and orientation.

So, will see if I will be successful in this foray...I just hope I don't have to adjust my spending limit too much :-P

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