Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Vegging Out the Holidays

I've been holiday since Friday afternoon. We are having one of our last few long public holidays for 2007. After this there will be blackout of public holidays till May coz most of the day offs will fall on a Saturday, and we don't work on Saturdays. What also sucks is that these Saturday public holidays will not be captured in our annual leave nor will we get replacement leave. But I guess I shouln't complain coz I do get 26 days a year of annual leave which is much higher than normal, and if we include more replacement leaves there will be no way for me to use up all the leave.

So what do we do during these days? Pretty much vegging out at home in front of the TV especially when Izz has been sick for the last couple of days. If not vegging in front of the TV, we are out at the shopping malls spending money. Actually when we think about it there really isn't much outdoor stuff we can do in KL. There are the parks we can visit I suppose, but only if you want to weather the weather. Like when we went to the birdpark...I have never walked so much, and because of the trees the humidity was just crazy...I was completely drenched! There is no beach in KL. The nearest is PD, which pretty much is a sorry excuse for a beach. It probably is much better than before, but still very far from the pristine beaches of the East Coast states.

It takes a lot more effort to do the "natural" stuff here in KL, effort which Ash and I are too damn lazy to take. Plus we are so not the nature people - can't ever imagine taking a hike in the jungle or going to the waterfalls. Which leaves me with the wonderful world of ASTRO where I can take advantage of the Discovery and NGEO...so I guess there will be benefits of vegging out in front of TV. Who says TV is bad for you?!

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