My beyaattches for life!!
I can't believe how much girls can catch up in such short span of time! It was like we've never been apart, and we are still these stupid girls from college...out of college but still stupid, or may be even more stupider...if that can happen. Actually, it DID!!! Soooo very many examples, it's not even funny!!!
The 1 am snacks, and mengumpating and scheming till 3, that brought back sooo many memories. The only thing missing was may be Celine Dion singing that Titanic song...did I not say Stupid???
3 nights on heavenly bed bitching and mengumpating, and 2 straight days of shopping...what else can I ask for? Amai was such a perfect host - managed to handle 2 very loud mouth B*^#@, while being the ever isteri you, babe!!!
In case people are wondering, I did have my training, and I tried my very damndest to act and sound smart in those two days!!
Now, I am waiting for my bag to arrive from Ethiopia. Don't ask!!