Monday, September 10, 2007

New Things...I LIKE!!!

My set is complete!!! Remember the 3 classics I wanted, well got the last one the weekend before...and I am soooo now in LOVE and Obsessed with John Thornton!!! Sexy baby!!! Just have to watch the show and read the book!

So, definitely a few hundred well spent! No qualms about ordering more classic dvds - now looking into different titles to consider :-) Ms. Ketchup has offerred to buy off amazon, but can I wait that long for them to reach me...hmmm...looking at how obsessive I am I somehow don't think so :-P

The second thing was an impluse buy! Didn't really plan to do this, but when I saw it, I was completely sold! PDA a pda chick...never!! But this was one was just too cool & sexy to resist! So, now am trying to get used to using a transcriber, while not getting carparl tunnel syndrome! My wrist just gets cramped holding that stupid stick...but in any case I am IN LOVE in so many ways...sigh...


amreeth said...

love will do it everytime :) looks pretty sexy alrite!

My So-Called Life said...

both you mean? i just love these brooding Englishmen who shows so much with just one look! Sigh...

I so think I don't belong in this time, and somehow I just ended up being on the wrong side of the timeline...but then again I won't have my Ash and Boys :-)

amreeth said...

hehehe ;) u are exactly where you should be NY. this is God's plan.
plus we wouldn't be friends otherwise.. i mean you would be walking the gentle English countryside and having afternoon tea. and i would be stalking my prey as a vampire, dark and evil. hmmm.... maybe not evil but i would prey off the serial killers...